Sunday, October 24, 2010

Snotty nose and crafts

Well it's been a long 2 weeks as a cold virus swept through the house. Ivan was first, then Jason and then it was my turn :( Thankfully we are all feeling much better! Ivan's back to school, Jason's back to work and I'm back to my crafts :)

Their colds really wore them out!
My brother, nephew and niece all have birthday's coming up. I did the boring sister/aunt thing and got them all school supplies. I wanted to give them something special so I made them each a money cuff. You could really put anything in there, key, special notes or money :) I sure hope they like them.
I wanted to make sure they worked so Ivan tried it on for me :)
Here is Ivan with his new glasses. We always knew that he would need them with the combination of my horrible vision and his complications from being born so early. We let him pick them out and so far he's only broke them 2 times....we set a record.....3 trips to Augusta (an hours drive from our house) in 3 days to get them fixed. He's doing much better with them now.
I'm loving this necklace! I saw a picture of a necklace made out of 3 colors of chains and I thought it looked great, this is what I came up with. I'm very happy with how it turned out. I'm thinking about maybe adding a piece of blue sea glass to it.
I made two "Buttercup bags" that I posted a few weeks ago. I found it from a tutorial online. I bought the rights to make and sell these bags so I'm hoping to make more and sell them in the near future. Here is the first large buttercup bag I made. If you know me you know I love mom always called me her purple derple....anyways back to the point....I'm happy with the way it turned out and I learned alot making it.
The front
Cell phone pocket
The other side has a big pocket with a divider for a pen...I hate digging for a pen at the bottom of my purse!
When I was at Joann's (my new favorite store!!!!) and I saw a book about crochet wire jewelry. I learned to crochet a long time ago and have made some blankets. I thought it would be something new to try and here is my first crochet wire necklace. I'm excited to make more and I'm hoping to make some that incorporates the sea glass that we have found since we have been in Maine.
Here's a close up of the necklace

1 comment:

Nurse Em said...

Love the picture of Ivan with his shark shirt! Making his uncle proud! lol (= You have become quite crafty, hoping you will be stationed near by so you can teach me. (=