Thursday, October 7, 2010

Craft'in up a storm!

Now that the weather is changing and we are forced to stay inside I've been crafting. It's something I really enjoy doing and it keeps my hands busy :) My new found love is craft blogs! There are some creative people out there!! I've got a long list of craft projects to keep me busy this winter!

Here's what I've been up to:

I started this quilt when we were stationed in Astoria. I cut out all the pieces but never got a chance to sew it together. Last week I finally got to sew the pieces together and I love the way it turned out!
With scraps from the quilt I put this wreath together. The colors remind me of Fall.
Ivan needed a new trick-or-treat bag so I made this for him. I added reflective tape and glow in the dark thread. Now everyone will see Ivan coming :)
With left over fabric from the quilt and Ivan's bag I made these two purses. I got the tutorial here One of the blogs I frequent is She posted about a hemp ball accent tutorial. I loved the way hers turned out. I found hemp cording at Walmart and found 2 pack Styrofoam balls for $1. at The dollar tree. After an hour I had burned fingers (from the hot glue gun) and these hemp balls. So worth it because I love the way they turned out!! The original poster spray painted some of her balls and put them in a wire basket. I still haven't decided if I'm going to add color to them or leave them the way they are. Now I'm on the hunt for something to display them in :)
My other project is play felt food. This is the start of Ivan's Christmas gift. We plan on making a play kitchen for him so I'm making food to go into the kitchen (and I'm doing all by hand!).
This picture has 2 donuts, 3 saltine crackers(gonna make more of those) and animal crackers.
This one has a Popsicle, push-pop, 10 strawberries and 5 green beans.
How cool is this Chinese take out box!?! I plan on making fortune cookies to go in it.
Here are links to where I found tutorials and patterns for the felt food:


The Tinsley's said...

Chelsea I love the stuff you made!!! You did a fabulous job! I found a project that I've been dying to do and it's to make a framed chalkboard. Super inexpensive! I'll post it when I get it done :) Hope all is well!

The Billings' family said...

I've been thinking about doing the same thing! There are so many great tutorials out there! Can't wait to see pictures :)