Friday, December 3, 2010

New sewing projects

Here's what I've been up to after Ivan goes to bed :) I've tried my hand at purse clutch designs. I've had lots of idea's but putting them from brain to fabric has been a learning experience!!

I think this is going to be my Christmas party purse.
The picture doesn't show it very well but this fabric is purple.
This clutch I used a lime green zipper to make it kind of funky and fun.
I thought a ruffle would add an interesting texture. It didn't turn out how I had planned but I'm still happy with it.
The ruffle even matches up pretty good.
This was my first clutch design. I love how the red zipper pops with the black and white print.
This is the inside.
My sister's favorite color is pink so I made this one for her. Surprise Courtney (I haven't sent it to her yet)!!

My other project is trying to design and make oven hand mitts. This shows my progression with trial and error.These pics show the front and back. The first one I tried to stitch it down so it wasn't as thick but I didn't like the way it looked. The second one I didn't layer it right...opps. The third I tried to see what it would look like if I sewed it together and then flipped it right side out, kinda worked but the edges were really bulky. The forth is actually my first attempt at a hand mitt. As you can see I made to long. The fifth was the last one I made and am pretty happy with the shape. I'll make a few little changes to the next one's I make but it will looks similar to this one.

My neighbor (thanks Sam!)sent me a link to a craft she really liked, it's called a crayon roll. I thought I'd give it a shot and am really excited how they turned out. My other neighbor wants to buy one from me so I'm excited!

Sam asked me to make one for her nephew who's Dad is a Coastie and this is the one I made for her.

Here is another one I made. I love the orange hand print button and how it matches the inside fabric.
Thanks for looking :)

Christmas Time

Well it's that time of year again. Jason's been underway so Ivan and I have been keeping busy with Christmas themed activities :)


I found a recipe online for making homemade ornaments and thought it would be lots of fun for Ivan. He's my little helper!

Note to time don't wear black when using flour or wear an apron!

After they cooled Ivan had lots of fun coloring his new ornamentsThe other ornaments we still need to decorate.

This is the first year that Ivan really understands what Christmas is all about. He also wanted to decorate the tree all by his self.

He really liked putting ornaments on this branch!
All done! He was so proud!Bless his little heart he worked so hard. We fixed the tree later that night.
This year I let him have his own special tree to decorate. We are going to put the ornaments he made on it.
He wanted to put his cars on the tree too, it's his tree after all!
Cutting paper to make ornaments
Some how putting stickers on paper turned into putting stickers on us. We had such a great time!!

Ivan and his buddy Landen spent a cold afternoon waiting in line to see Santa. They were both so excited!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sea Glass

One of the things we really enjoy about Maine are the beaches. Jason and Ivan love to skip rocks on the water. One day while we were at the beach we noticed small pieces of glass in with the sand and rocks. So while Jason and Ivan skipped rocks I looked for sea glass. It's something that we really enjoy doing when the weather permits.

Here is what our collection looks like now (we also have a bunch of pottery pieces but as you can see we didn't have enough room at the window)
Here are pictures of a few of our outings to the beaches this year.
It was a beautiful day but it was COLD!

Ivan is turning into our little helper :)

We went to a local beach at low tide and found all sorts of treasures!
At first we collected the sea glass to have something pretty to look at. Then we thought maybe we could do something with it. Come to find out there is a large community of people who search for sea glass and make crafts out of them. And you all know how much I love my crafts!!!
This is the first sea glass necklace I made.

Well this isn't sea glass, it's a crochet wire bib necklace I just made :) For the next one, I think I'll add a few more layers.
This is my interpretation of a popular pendent called "Tree of Life". My circle went alittle wonky but it's not bad for my first try.
This was my first attempt at making a wire wrap sea glass pendent. It looks kinda ruff but I learned alot making this one.
Here is a piece of sea glass that I drilled and used a single wire to make a scroll embellishment in the front through the hole and the pendent in the back.

Here is my second attempt at making a wire wrap pendent. I really like how this one turned out. This is one side...
and this is the other side.

As I mentioned before if I can improve my skills I would like to participate in some of the local craft fairs in the area. So stay tuned to what I try next :)