Monday, November 3, 2008

Where did Ivan go?

Ivan's new thing is hiding. He likes to hide in the closet. It scared me at first but the second I call his name he starts giggling and I know right where he is. It's so cute! I can't believe what a big boy his is becoming. I took these pictures the other day. I'll give you a hint to find Ivan, he's got red socks on :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween. This year Ivan was a lion....rawr :) In a town close to us named Camden they close off a few streets to cars so we decided to go there for trick or treating. We went with some other families and Ivan had a blast. It was cold but seeing the excitement in his face made it all worth it. He still isn't talking much so he didn't say "trick or treat" but let me tell you he figured out the candy part really fast. After trick or treating we went back to our friends house and put all the kids to bed. It was really nice to spend time with our friends without having to get a babysitter. Now we have more candy then we know what to do with and it's time to take down the Halloween decorations. Before we know it it's going to be time for Christmas decorations.

He wouldn't sit still so his little wiskers were all over the place.

He didn't want me to pick him up. All he wanted was his candy :)

We were invited to a Halloween party so I decided to make something. I ended up making Halloweenies and Wizard Hats. It took awhile but it was alot of fun and they turned out great! Ivan had a great time playing in the flour and running around the house with an oven mitt on.

Bowling New England style

Ivan learning to bowl

Good form :)

Mommy and Ivan keepins score

Mommy helping Ivan

Jason's boat had a morale day so we all went bowling. We were quite surprised when we got there because they don't bowl like we do back home. Here they call it candlestick bowling and it's only done in the New England area. The pins look like candlesticks, the ball has no holes and fits in the palm of your hand. Ivan had alot of fun because he could actually pick up and hold the ball. A few of the balls he threw even knocked over a few pins. We all had alot of fun and can't wait to do it again.