Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Time

Well it's that time of year again. Jason's been underway so Ivan and I have been keeping busy with Christmas themed activities :)


I found a recipe online for making homemade ornaments and thought it would be lots of fun for Ivan. He's my little helper!

Note to time don't wear black when using flour or wear an apron!

After they cooled Ivan had lots of fun coloring his new ornamentsThe other ornaments we still need to decorate.

This is the first year that Ivan really understands what Christmas is all about. He also wanted to decorate the tree all by his self.

He really liked putting ornaments on this branch!
All done! He was so proud!Bless his little heart he worked so hard. We fixed the tree later that night.
This year I let him have his own special tree to decorate. We are going to put the ornaments he made on it.
He wanted to put his cars on the tree too, it's his tree after all!
Cutting paper to make ornaments
Some how putting stickers on paper turned into putting stickers on us. We had such a great time!!

Ivan and his buddy Landen spent a cold afternoon waiting in line to see Santa. They were both so excited!

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