Friday, December 26, 2008

Snow pictures

We took these pictures the day after the storm. Thankfully we were able to borrow a snow blower or we wouldn't have been able to get the car out of the garage. Thankfully we didn't lose power but we did lose heat. When I got up in the morning it was 60 degrees in the house! So I woke up Jason so he could figure out what was going on. Long story short there was so much snow that it blocked the exsaustpipe so the heater shut off. Jason had to go out in -5 degrees weather to dig this pipe out. Jason saved the day and by the time Ivan woke up it was warm in the house again. The news said our area got about 2 1/2 feet of snow! We measured it and they were right. I can only imagine how high the snow would have been if we didn't have such high winds moving the snow.

This picture was taken right before Jason came running at me and pushed me in the snow!

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